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December 3, 2021

Reducing Alcohol-related Harm for Individuals, Families, and Communities

By Emily Hooks

By Emily Hooks Decreasing excessive drinking rates is one of the 21 goals identified by the Healthy North Carolina 2030 Task Force, and was the focus of a panel at…

November 30, 2021

How can we prevent suicide and self-harm in NC?

By Michelle Ries

By Michelle Ries   An overarching theme of the North Carolina Institute of Medicine’s 2021 annual meeting was that this time of COVID-19 recovery provides a unique opportunity to change…

November 18, 2021

Preventing Drug Overdose Deaths in North Carolina

By Alison Miller

By Alison Miller   On October 20, 2021, the NCIOM hosted its 38th annual health policy meeting, entitled  Community, Resilience, and Hope: Achieving Healthy North Carolina 2030 Behavioral Health Goals….

November 12, 2021

American Indian Health in North Carolina

By Kaitlin Phillips

  Too often, discourse about American Indians discusses members of these communities as if they are people of history alone. While history is foundationally important to many Native cultures, and…