Feb 19, 2016
Mental Health and Substance Abuse – Full Task Force
Location NCIOM
630 Davis Dr., Suite 100, Morrisville, NC 27560
The work of this task force focused on the 548,000 North Carolinian’s with substance dependence or abuse and the 1.4 million North Carolinians reporting serious psychological distress over the last year. The Task force addressed issues from a global perspective and then focused discussion and recommendations on the needs of adolescents and older adults.
Back to Task ForcesCo-Chairs
Angela Bryant
North Carolina General Assembly
Courtney Cantrell, PhD
Director, Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services
North Carolina Department of Human Services
Josh Dobson
North Carolina General Assembly
John Santopietro, MD, FAPA
Chief Clinical Officer of Behavioral Health
Carolinas Health System
Berkeley Yorkery, MPP
Project Director
North Carolina Institute of Medicine
The NCIOM Task Force on Substance Abuse and Mental Health had three working groups: the cross-cutting group, the adolescent group, and the older adults group. The overall Task Force addressed topics affecting the whole population, including the array of services available, workforce needs, integrated care, and telebehavioral health. The adolescent working group addressed coordination and system transition issues among organizations providing services to adolescents. The older adult working group looked specifically at the need to develop a continuum of services for the older adult population.
The Task Force is funded by the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust with the goal of developing a vision of the ideal community-based, evidence-informed services for the prevention and treatment of mental illness and substance use disorders and a set of actionable recommendations (within 3-5 years) that could help communities move towards that system.