Strategic Plan to Assist the Medically Indigent of North Carolina

Published July 1, 1989

This strategic plan was developed by the NCIOM Task Force on Indigent Care to stimulate thinking and discussion on the problem of medical indigency in North Carolina. This report concentrates on the development of a long-range plan for assisting the medically indigent and entails basic principles regarding individual and social responsibility for health care, as well as recommendations based on these principles. The plan is designed to address the issue of obtaining adequate health care at an affordable cost.


This strategic plan was developed by the NCIOM Task Force on Indigent Care to stimulate thinking and discussion on the problem of medical indigency in North Carolina. This report concentrates on the development of a long-range plan for assisting the medically indigent and entails basic principles regarding individual and social responsibility for health care, as well as recommendations based on these principles. The plan is designed to address the issue of obtaining adequate health care at an affordable cost.