Rural-Urban Uninsured Gap Persists, but More North Carolinians Have Insurance
A new analysis published in the latest issue of the North Carolina Medical Journal shows that the rural-urban coverage gap is more nuanced than it may seem.
NewsNewsPress Release
| November 12, 2018
Focus on Retention – Not Just Recruitment – To Improve Rural Health Care Workforce, Researchers Say
Two new commentaries in the latest issue of the NCMJl argue that NC should shift focus from rural health care recruitment to distribution and retention.
NewsNewsPress Release
| September 27, 2018
Researchers Call for Stricter Standards to Prevent Lead Poisoning in Children
In an article published in the latest issue of the North Carolina Medical Journal, researchers from RTI International make a call to action for mitigating the risk of lead exposure.
NewsNewsPress Release
| September 20, 2018
The Hidden Effects of Air Pollution on the Heart, Brain, and Bones
Two articles in the latest issue of the North Carolina Medical Journal highlight some of the less-discussed impacts of air pollution on human health.