Report Cover: Patient and Family Engagement, a Partnership for Culture Change

Patient and Family Engagement: A Partnership for Culture Change

Published July 1, 2015

Patients who are actively involved in their health and health care tend to have better outcomes and care experiences and, in some cases, lower costs. The American Institutes for Research defines patient and family engagement as “patients, families, their representatives, and health professionals working in active partnership at various levels across the health care system to improve health and health care.” Implementing patient and family engagement strategies has led to fewer hospital-acquired infections, reduced medical errors, reduced serious safety events, and increased patient satisfaction scores. Because of the potential for improved health outcomes and patient satisfaction, patient and family engagement has emerged as a critical strategy for improving the performance of our health care system. NCIOM Task Force on Patient and Family Engagement


Patients who are actively involved in their health and health care tend to have better outcomes and care experiences and, in some cases, lower costs. The American Institutes for Research defines patient and family engagement as “patients, families, their representatives, and health professionals working in active partnership at various levels across the health care system to improve health and health care.” Implementing patient and family engagement strategies has led to fewer hospital-acquired infections, reduced medical errors, reduced serious safety events, and increased patient satisfaction scores. Because of the potential for improved health outcomes and patient satisfaction, patient and family engagement has emerged as a critical strategy for improving the performance of our health care system.


This report includes 17 recommendations from the task force to catalyze patient and family engagement and improve health and health care systems in North Carolina.