Improving the Odds: Healthy Mothers and Babies for North Carolina

Published November 1, 1988

This report, funded through the Kate B. Reynolds Health Care Trust, serves as a blueprint for improving the health of children born in North Carolina. The plan, created by the NCIOM, is designed to assure that women know how to improve the odds that their babies will be healthy, that needed services are in place, that caregivers have the latest information on how to improve the chances for positive pregnancy outcomes, and that women who need services can find, get to, and pay for the services they need.


This report, funded through the Kate B. Reynolds Health Care Trust, serves as a blueprint for improving the health of children born in North Carolina. The plan, created by the NCIOM, is designed to assure that women know how to improve the odds that their babies will be healthy, that needed services are in place, that caregivers have the latest information on how to improve the chances for positive pregnancy outcomes, and that women who need services can find, get to, and pay for the services they need.