2021 North Carolina Child Health Report Card

Published February 16, 2021

North Carolina’s latest Child Health Report Card gives the state high marks for children’s health coverage, but also points out some troubling trends. North Carolina earned failing grades in several key areas, including Mental Health, Substance Use, Birth Outcomes, and Housing & Economic Security. The data sources for this release pre-date the current pandemic and associated economic downturn. However, the report card also highlights current data snapshots pertinent to children’s health, and the impact of the pandemic on children and families.


North Carolina’s latest Child Health Report Card gives the state high marks for children’s health coverage, but also points out some troubling trends. North Carolina earned failing grades in several key areas, including Mental Health, Substance Use, Birth Outcomes, and Housing & Economic Security. The data sources for this release pre-date the current pandemic and associated economic downturn. However, the report card also highlights current data snapshots pertinent to children’s health, and the impact of the pandemic on children and families.


The North Carolina Child Health Report Card, issued bi-annually by the North Carolina Institute of Medicine and NC Child, tracks key indicators of child health and well-being in four areas: Healthy Births, Access to Care, Secure Homes and Neighborhoods, and Health Risk Factors. The report provides data on such health concerns and risk factors as asthma, teen births, infant mortality, poverty, and child deaths.


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2021 Child Health Report Card data sources and references (pdf)