Support Us

Girl on ropes course

Shaping Policy to Improve Health


Work with us to improve the health of North Carolinians


You can support the work of the NCIOM through financial contributions, staying informed about our work, or by volunteering to serve on a Task Force. Please see below to learn more about supporting the NCIOM.




Make a Financial Contribution


If you would like to positively impact the health and well-being of North Carolinians, you can make a financial contribution to the NCIOM to support our work. Donations support the NCIOM's work to develop consensus recommendations to address health issues impacting North Carolina.


Please click here to donate directly through PayPal.


Stay Informed


Subscribe to the NCIOM newsletter to learn about current and upcoming work, task force reports, and our annual health policy meeting.

Get Involved


Lend your expertise on issues of North Carolina health care important to you by joining one of our task forces studying those very issues. If you are interested in participating in an NCIOM Task Force in the future, please contact us.


Recommend health issues for the NCIOM to study.