Girl rides tricycle on tree-lined path

North Carolina Institute of Medicine

Shaping Policy for a Healthier North Carolina

For more than 40 years, the NCIOM has shaped health policy in North Carolina by identifying solutions to the state’s health challenges. Our work has helped to improve the health and well-being of North Carolinians and positively changed how health care is delivered.

Mission of the NCIOM
  • To seek constructive solutions to statewide problems that impede the improvement of health and efficient and effective delivery of health care for all North Carolina citizens.
  • To serve an advisory function at the request of the Governor, the General Assembly, and/or agencies of state government, and to assist in the formation of public policy on complex and interrelated issues concerning health and healthcare for the people of North Carolina.
How We Do Our Work

The NCIOM disseminates information on health and health care in North Carolina, researches and analyzes programs, strategies, and policies to improve health, and develops consensus around which solutions will best meet the health needs of North Carolina.

We do our work by:

  • Bringing together Task Forces to identify evidence-based solutions to address health issues in North Carolina,
  • Convening and educating health policy stakeholders,
  • Publishing the NCMJ, a journal of health policy debate, and
  • Providing non-partisan research and analysis on health and health care in our state.

History of the NCIOM

The NCIOM was chartered by the North Carolina General Assembly in 1983 to serve as a non-political, independent source of analysis and advice on major health issues facing the state. Throughout its history, the NCIOM has been the leading source of information and public policy recommendations aimed at improving population health, health care access, and health care quality.

The NCIOM Today

North Carolina faces many challenges as it strives to improve the health and well-being of North Carolinians. Solving these problems must start with objective, evidence-based research on potential solutions. The NCIOM works collaboratively with stakeholders from across the state to identify and build consensus around actionable solutions to the health challenges facing our state.

North Carolina Institute of Medicine

Shaping Policy for a Healthier State

Our Work

Task Forces and Projects


Our Impact

Informing Health Policy


Reports, Issue Briefs, and the NCMJ