Press Release | May 18, 2018

Study Shows More Instruction, Smaller Kits Could Increase Naloxone Use

By Kaitlin Phillips

A survey of treatment seekers at four different methadone clinics in North Carolina showed that while this community is well-informed about the opioid overdose reversal drug naloxone, many still don’t know how to use the kits or find them too cumbersome to carry.

Press Release | May 2, 2018

Health Care Systems Must Rethink Approach to Domestic Violence: Experts

By Kaitlin Phillips

Domestic violence is the primary form of trauma experienced by children in North Carolina’s welfare system, but responses to this problem vary in philosophy, focus and funding.

Press Release | April 26, 2018

The Case for Naming Poverty an Adverse Childhood Experience

By Kaitlin Phillips

More than one in five North Carolina children experience poverty, which can lead to a higher likelihood of incarceration and exposure to violence later in life. Children who grow up without enough food or shelter are also less likely to be employed and less likely to have health insurance. All of which are reasons to consider poverty an adverse childhood experience.